
ErieSecure 首页。 bundle

Bundles will help customize your coverage with increased limits and other add-ons that offer great value without breaking the bank.

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At Erie Insurance, we want to help you find coverage that suits your home, lifestyle, and budget. That’s why it’s a smart insurance decision to consider an ErieSecure 首页。 Bundle to expand your protection beyond our standard homeowners policy.


使用ErieSecure 首页。 bundle, you can expand your protection with higher limits and additional coverages for things like underground Service Line coverage or 设备故障 coverage.


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Modern homes are full of contemporary conveniences and complex systems. From heating and 空调 systems to sump pumps and major appliances to home theater systems, you could be facing large replacement or repair costs in the event of a breakdown.


Some homeowners policies allow you to add additional coverage that protects you in the event of equipment breakdown. 这种澳博体育app通常保护您的主要电器和家庭系统.


然而没有人可以用金钱来衡量情感价值, insuring your prized possessions will help keep them financially protected if they’re lost, 偷来的, 或损坏. 房主政策可能会提供一些澳博体育app, but it may not cover the full value of your more expensive belongings. 你可能需要购买额外的澳博体育app.


对于个人贵重物品,正确的保护很重要. The value of your belongings will determine how much additional coverage you’ll need. There are different options that offer higher limits, which may be more suited to your needs.


这会变得很难看. It doesn’t take much water to cause thousands of dollars of damage to your home. Unfortunately, water backups occur through sewers, drains, and sump pump overflows all too often.


下水道 or drain backup may provide coverage in the event of water or sewage backup into your house through sewers or drains, or overflows from inside a sump pump or other system designed to remove water that drains from your foundation.


身份盗窃和欺诈是一件麻烦事, 当然, but the effects can go well beyond a few phone calls to straighten things out. 你可能要花好几个小时来修复损坏, 昂贵的法律问题, 在整个过程中,你会损失工资.


好消息是,你不必独自面对. Recovery services can help restore your credit and your good name, as well as financial protection. You may even be able to get assistance with the costs associated with child or elder care while you’re working to recover your identity.


The underground service lines leading in and out of your home can become damaged in many ways, 包括树根, 动物的干扰, 挖掘, 车辆重量. 它们也会生锈,被腐蚀,或者只是磨损. 下水道, 天然气, 以及丙烷气管道, 还有电线, 电缆, and internet connections that run underground from the curb to your home are your responsibility, 而且修复它们的损坏可能非常昂贵.


除了修理实际的服务线路, 房主可能不得不挖掘景观, 车道, 还有通往受损线路的人行道. 损坏户外财产,如树木, 灌木, and even walkways may require repair or replacement as a result of the service line repair or the service line failure itself. 相关的使用损失费用也可能包括在内.


Your home is potentially your most valuable asset and weather events can pose a significant risk for damage. Roofing and siding are particularly susceptible to the elements and having enough coverage is important. 然而, it’s possible that the same siding or roofing material is not available, leaving you with a mismatched appearance or a costly job to replace it all.


When the same siding or roofing material is no longer available to repair the damaged portion, this coverage reimburses for the cost to replace undamaged siding or roofing with materials of like kind and quality when the damage is caused by a covered loss.


在我们的数字世界里,网络犯罪是一个非常现实的威胁. Just like businesses, you are susceptible to cyberattacks, extortion, fraud, and cyberbullying. 所有这些事件都可能是毁灭性的,恢复起来也很昂贵.


网络 coverage can help cover the costs associated with some personal cyber events. In addition to the coverages found in some 身份复苏 coverage, cyber coverage could include repairing hardware after a virus or assistance with how to respond to a ransomware attack. 网络 coverage also can help with expenses you may incur as a victim of cyberbullying.


This is our base bundle and gives you all the protection of an ErieSecure 首页。 Policy, 再加上ERIE的身份恢复澳博体育app增加了安全性. 优势还增加了对盗窃等行为的限制, 遗失或放错地方的珠宝, 银器, 和武器.


+包括所有优惠的好处, 加上拖车等物品的更高限制, 船舶, 碎片移除, 以及企业个人财产. It also offers additional coverages including Siding and Roof Restoration. You’ll also get Underground Service Line coverage and can add 下水道或排水沟 Backup Coverage.


Select is our best bundle and includes the benefits of the 优势 and + bundles, 提供更高的限制. You will also get higher liability coverage for 船舶 up to 100 horsepower. When you add 下水道或排水沟 Backup coverage, Select includes 设备故障 coverage. It offers an extra cushion protection for major appliances like heating, 空调, 智能家居技术. Personal 网络 Event coverage is also available with the Select bundle.



As an independent agency, we are here to help you find the right ErieSecure 首页。 bundle.


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As an independent agency, we are here to help you find the right coverage.

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