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Offering your employees a comprehensive dental plan adds an attractive element to your benefits package. We’ll work with you to design coverage that gives your employees dental care at a reasonable cost.


牙齿护理是很昂贵的, and many employees consider group dental to be an essential part of their benefits package. 作为最常用的团体福利之一, group dental coverage can be a worthwhile investment for helping to attract and retain great talent.


Regular dental 考试 help employees stay healthier 和更多的 productive in the workplace. 事实上, simple check-ups can help detect serious underlying conditions such as heart disease, 糖尿病。, 和更多的.


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One of the main factors in attracting and retaining good employees is the benefit program offered by employers. 这通常从你的团体健康澳博体育app计划开始.


不管公司的财务状况如何, there are ways to make health insurance available to your employees and their dependents. 提供健康澳博体育app并不会让你倾家荡产. There are many solutions available to small, mid-size, and large employers.


When employees are worried about their financial situation, they may not be as productive. Many individuals today do not have life insurance or adequate savings to cover final expenses, which places additional stress on employees and/or their 家庭 when the need arises.


A group life insurance plan can put your employees’ minds at ease, knowing their family will have resources available when they need them. Policies can also include a dependent benefit to help the employee pay for expenses if their dependent passes. Another solution is to offer a voluntary life benefit whereby the employee pays a lower premium through payroll deduction than they would if they found coverage on their own. 团体人寿澳博体育app也是免税的.


Many employers are faced with offering lower wages than their competitors and find it difficult to find and retain qualified workers.


Offering a short-term and/or a long-term disability program can provide prospective and current workers with another form of financial stability. 员工可能会在其他地方得到更高的工资, but are they offered protection if that paycheck stops due to pregnancy, 疾病, 或者其他残疾? 他们将如何支付抵押贷款或其他账单? Employers offering a disability plan can provide peace of mind to their employees and gain an advantage over those that don’t.


Failure to have regular dental checkups can lead to more serious problems than a toothache.


Offering dental coverage to your employees can help encourage them to see a dentist on a regular basis. 牙龈疾病与心脏病和糖尿病有关. 及早发现这些问题不仅有助于员工的健康, it may help reduce your long-term health insurance costs before a big claim hits!


类似于牙科澳博体育app, 如果你的员工没有定期进行眼科检查, they may have underlying medical conditions such as heart disease or 糖尿病。 that can surface later at a greater expense to your medical plan.


Offering vision care coverage is a very affordable component to offering health benefits. It’s an inexpensive portion of the benefit package with a high value of return and can help offset the impact of increased medical costs, 成为具有成本效益的, 早期干预工具.


Not being able to meet an employee’s individual needs can pose a threat to worker retention and attracting new talent, 这两种方法都可能对你的底线造成损失.


Offering voluntary coverage lets your employees choose benefits that are important to them. It’s a cost-effective way to provide a variety of benefits at little or no impact to your monthly premiums. 自愿承保的例子包括:

  • 危重疾病、医院赔偿和癌症澳博体育app.
  • Life, dependent life, short-term, and long-term disability coverage.
  • 牙科保健.
  • 视力保健.


Compliance audits are increasing and Department of Labor fines can be costly. Do you have all of the documents and paperwork at your fingertips should you receive an audit letter?


A good benefits broker will educate you on the compliance pieces so that you are prepared for that dreaded day. A wrap document covers most of what is required and the remaining forms should be readily accessible with proof of distribution to employees and/or eligible participants.


The National Association of Dental Plans and the Centers for Disease Control have performed studies that show that employees with dental insurance plans have better attitudes and are less likely to suffer from depression, 也。.


牙科计划提供多种诊断, 预防保健, 以及包括清洁在内的矫正服务, 考试, x射线, 馅料, 牙根, 儿童正畸, 以及旅行时的急救护理.

We’re happy to talk through the details of dental insurance, of course. 澳博体育app,我们带路.

团体牙科澳博体育app - Dentist and Dental Assistant Performing a Cleaning


As an independent agency, we are here to help you find the right 团体牙科澳博体育app coverage.



As an independent agency, we are here to help you find the right coverage.

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